The Bridge Initiative Unveils Collaboration with Michele Oka Doner for Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

New York, New York - April 8th, 2024 - The Bridge Initiative proudly announces its partnership with globally renowned artist Michele Oka Doner in anticipation of Earth Day. Inspired by the enduring legacy of artists like Robert Rauschenberg, whose iconic Earth Day poster continues to resonate, Oka Doner injects her distinctive aesthetic into a compelling poster aimed at sparking awareness and advocacy for environmental causes in the spirit of Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics.

This project has been made possible through the generous support of the Archbold Biological Station, Marlborough Gallery, and Tra Publishing, underscoring a collective commitment to safeguarding our planet's well-being.

Ballyhoo Media has also partnered on this project to project the artwork across its digital billboards platform in cities throughout the United States.

"We are thrilled to partner on this Earth Day activation through our digital screens coast-to-coast," said Helen Roldan, Director of Public Affairs at Ballyhoo Media. "As a company, we have a longstanding commitment to protect our waterways and educate the community. Michele Oka Doner's art piece features a powerful message that we know will resonate with our audiences in limiting their plastic consumption.”

Posters will be available at Books and Books Coral Gables, and Marlborough Gallery New York City.

At the heart of The Bridge Initiative is the fusion of art and science to create impactful public art that champions environmental advocacy. By bridging the realms of art, culture, and creativity with the urgent issue of climate change, Bridge aims to cultivate a collective consciousness that prioritizes the preservation of our planet.

Michele Oka Doner stands as a luminary in the art world, with a career spanning five decades. Grounded in a deep reverence for the natural world, her work serves as a profound testament to her commitment to environmental stewardship. From sculpture and public art installations to prints and drawings, Oka Doner's multifaceted talent reflects her dedication to celebrating the Earth. Oka Doner's artwork graces esteemed institutions worldwide, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Louvre - Paris, among others.

About Ballyhoo Media: The water is full of potential that’s yet to be explored. Ballyhoo Media is a family-owned media company that is revolutionizing the way we live, experience, and communicate on the waterways. Founded by a love for the oceans, Ballyhoo encourages brands to build stronger connections with the communities they advertise in. At every opportunity, we have a commitment to protect our waterways. That is why at Ballyhoo, we take action to make preservation, conservation, and sustainability our priority. Learn more at

The collaboration between The Bridge Initiative and Michele Oka Doner symbolizes the fusion of artistic brilliance and environmental advocacy, showcasing the profound power of art to inspire positive change. As Earth Day approaches, this partnership serves as a poignant reminder of our collective responsibility to protect our planet for future generations.